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- JOURNAL Reference Manual JOURNAL Version 1.0 r1.0
- Copyright (C) April, 1986 Generic Software, Co.
- for
- Version 1.0 April, 1986
- (C) Copyright 1986 by Generic Software.
- All Rights Reserved
- Generic Software
- 1500 Arboretum Pky
- Lakewood, NJ 08701
- Generic Software makes no representation or warranties with
- respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims
- any implied warranties to the suitability of this program
- for any particular purpose. You must determine that
- yourself. In addition, you should understand that using a
- program of this type on an IBM PC or compatible has inherent
- risks and that you may inadvertently damage or destroy
- valuable programs or data. Generic Software expressly
- declines to assume liability for any use of this program by
- you, and your use of this program constitutes your agreement
- to hold us blameless. Generic Software reserves the right to
- make changes from time to time in the context hereof without
- obligation to notify any person or persons of such changes.
- MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- PC-DOS is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.
- JOURNAL is an electronic accounting journal which runs
- on the IBM PC family and clones.
- Place your JOURNAL diskette in drive A>
- From the C> Prompt, type the following:
- - 1 -
- JOURNAL Reference Manual JOURNAL Version 1.0 r1.0
- Copyright (C) April, 1986 Generic Software, Co.
- JOURNAL is not copy-protected.
- From the C> prompt:
- For a Mono Monitor
- For a Color Monitor
- For a Color Monitor (if you have problems with video "snow")
- After starting JOURNAL and before entering the MAIN
- MENU, the program requires that you enter the following
- information:
- System Date: This is for your own reference and
- appears along the top of each program
- screen during JOURNAL operation. It
- defaults to the current system date.
- Drive: The disk drive on which JOURNAL data
- resides for a given client.
- Client ID: As JOURNAL allows you to work with any
- number of accounting journals, it
- requires that you assign a unique three
- character code (Client ID) to identify
- each one. To initialize a new journal
- simply enter a Client ID which is not
- being used.
- This section discusses JOURNAL menus and selections
- available within those menus.
- Introduction to menus:
- JOURNAL is menu-driven. A menu is a list of several choices
- (referred to herein as options) which appear along the
- - 2 -
- JOURNAL Reference Manual JOURNAL Version 1.0 r1.0
- Copyright (C) April, 1986 Generic Software, Co.
- bottom of the screen. Much of the work which you are going
- to do with JOURNAL involves getting around selection menus.
- Here's how:
- To select an option you may:
- 1) Highlight the option and press <RETURN> or
- 2) Press the first letter of the desired option.
- These keystrokes apply to menu selection:
- <Home> : Highlight leftmost option
- <End> : Highlight rightmost option
- <RETURN> : Select Highlighted option
- <Esc> : Select Rightmost option
- <left cursor> : Move one option left
- <right cursor>: Move one option right
- After you enter system information (Date, Working Client),
- you arrive at the MAIN MENU.
- [ACCOUNT] Edit Chart of Accounts
- [JOURNAL] Edit Working Journal
- [PURGE] Clear Journal Entries/Totals
- [DUPLICATE] Duplicate Chart of Accounts from
- another JOURNAL client
- [CLIENT] Change working client
- Options in the ACCOUNT MENU enable you to maintain and
- update the client chart of accounts. A chart of accounts
- consists of a list of 15 character account titles, each
- assigned to a 1-3 digit account code. Code assignment
- simplifies account entry during journal maintenance.
- [ADD] Add an account.
- [CHANGE] Change an account title.
- [DELETE] Delete an account
- [LIST] List accounts to screen/printer
- [EXIT] Return to the MAIN MENU
- [UPDATE] Journal entry Maintenance
- [PRINT] Print Journal, Journal summary
- - 3 -
- JOURNAL Reference Manual JOURNAL Version 1.0 r1.0
- Copyright (C) April, 1986 Generic Software, Co.
- [BALANCE] Print a Balance of entries.
- [EXIT] Return to MAIN MENU
- Maintenance of a client journal manifests itself in two
- JOURNAL editing modes. These are:
- BROWSE MODE allows you to search through journal entries on
- file for a particular client. Cursor keys allow you to
- target1 specific entries for change. Keystrokes useful in
- <up cursor> target entry above current entry
- <down cursor> target entry below current entry
- <Pg Up> view screen of entries above current
- screen
- <Pg Dn> view screen of entries below current
- screen
- <Home> target first entry on screen
- <End> target last entry on screen
- Notes on BROWSE MODE:
- o Pressing <Esc> in BROWSE MODE returns to the JOURNAL MENU
- o To move from BROWSE MODE to ENTRY MODE, target an entry
- and press <RETURN>. When you switch to ENTRY MODE, you
- will notice that the entire entry appears in reverse
- video, except for the field in which you are entering
- data.
- ENTRY MODE allows you to update information in a single
- journal entry, targeted as described above (see BROWSE
- MODE). Entries consist of five fields which may be updated
- by targeting the field and entering valid data.
- Fields
- 1) Date (numeric MMDDYY)
- 2) Transaction/Check number (numeric)
- 3) Description (alphanumeric)
- 4) Amount (fixed point numeric)
- 1
- A "targeted" entry is one in which the descriptor block for
- an entry (either a number or [ADD]) is highlighted. I use
- this term rather than highlight, as highlighting an entry
- suggests that the entire entry appears in reverse video,
- which is not the case.
- - 4 -
- JOURNAL Reference Manual JOURNAL Version 1.0 r1.0
- Copyright (C) April, 1986 Generic Software, Co.
- 5) Account code (numeric,
- corresponding to valid account code)
- Keystrokes for traversing fields are:
- <TAB> or <RETURN> next field
- <Shift TAB> previous field
- <Esc> Abort change of entry
- Editing data within fields involves the following keys:
- <Home> position cursor over first character
- in field
- <End> position cursor over last character
- in field
- <left cursor> move cursor one character left
- <right cursor> move cursor one character right
- <Delete> delete character under cursor
- <Backspace> delete character to the left of cursor
- Notes on ENTRY MODE:
- o The cursor will automatically advance to the next field
- when a field is filled to capacity.
- o Numbers are assigned automatically to New Entries
- (starting with entry 0).
- o New entries may be added by targeting the [ADD] entry and
- pressing <RETURN>.
- o Entries may not be deleted, but they may be changed at any
- time.
- o The Date Field will default to the Date field last
- entered.
- o Transaction numbers are incremented by one as new entries
- are added.
- JOURNAL has the ability to print two reports. These
- are automatically printed one after the other by selecting
- the [PRINT] option in the JOURNAL MENU. The first report
- lists the journal entries, the second summarizes account
- totals and prints a grand total of all accounts in the
- journal.
- - 5 -
- JOURNAL Reference Manual JOURNAL Version 1.0 r1.0
- Copyright (C) April, 1986 Generic Software, Co.
- In JOURNAL, the Escape key <Esc> acts as the universal
- exit key. From any menu, or editing mode, press <Esc> enough
- times, and you will eventually reach a prompt which says
- QUIT?: Select [YES] and you leave JOURNAL.
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